30-Hours of Continuing Education
Study at Your Own Pace
About the Course
Mass Chapter 4’s online course is a self-paced class that consists of lessons and exams that add up to the 30-hours of educational credit required by the State of Massachusetts for license renewal.
30-Hour Certificate
Upon completion of the course, email napemass4@gmail.com with the address you would like your certificate mailed to. You will receive the original certificate along with a copy. Please keep the copy of this certificate in your personal file, just in case something happens, you have a copy. Please give the office adequate time to produce your 30-hour certificate to ensure your license will not become inactive.
After purchase, the office will process your order and email you your student registration.
Once enrolled, the course is active for one year.
Things You Must Know
Regarding Chapter 4’s Online
Continuing Education Course
The licensee must obtain 30 hours of credits within their renewal period of five (5) years.
All class fees for Fireman and Engineer Continuing Education Classes must be paid in full, prior to the start of the class.
Once you log in, the student has 1 full year to complete the course.
If you do not complete the course within 365 days, you will be locked out of the system and you will have to sign up, pay and start your education over.
All classes require a 70% or better on the exam in order to be successfully completed.
Once the course has been completed, the student must notifynapema04@powerengineers.comvia e-mail.
Please give the office adequate time to produce your 30 hour certificate to ensure your license will not become inactive.