Getting a License is just the beginning
Learn about the different grades of licenses
Special to Operate License: A person who desires to have charge of or to operate 1 particular steam plant.
A special license limits an operator to a boiler or boilers not exceeding, in the aggregate, 250 horsepower.
An entry level license that enables the operator to operate any boiler or boilers under the Fireman or Engineer in direct charge thereof.
First class, to have charge of and operate any boiler or boilers where the safety valve or valves are set to blow at a pressure not exceeding 25 pounds to the square inch or to operate high pressure boilers under the engineer or fireman in direct charge thereof.
Third class, to have charge of and operate a boiler or boilers not exceeding, in the aggregate, 150 horsepower when solid fuel is burned or not exceeding, in the aggregate, 500 horsepower when steam is generated by the use of liquid or gaseous fuel, electric or atomic energy or any other source of heat and an engine or engines not exceeding 50 horsepower each or to operate a second class plant under the engineer in direct charge thereof.
Second class, to have charge of and operate a boiler or boilers, and to have charge of and operate engines, no one of which shall exceed ISO horsepower, or to operate a first class plant under the engineer in direct charge thereof.
First class, to have charge of and operate any steam plant.
Climb the Ladder of Success
Getting an entry level license can get you started in a career in high pressure boiler operation which can lead to generating electricity in privately owned facilities or utility power plants. How high you climb the ladder is up to you.
NAPE Mass Chapter 4 can help get you started in this field and can continue to assist you with education and fellowship as you strive to attain higher licenses.
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(413) 345-6797
1 Springfield Street
Chicopee, MA 01013